3 min readFeb 20, 2022

Look at you. Everything has changed and still nothing has changed. This is perhaps the best kind of change, eh, Ifeoma?
You know I always address you by your first name when I talk to you. I see you’ve changed a lot girl; wider cheeks, hips not lying, smile bracing the entire continent. Na you oh!

Just look at you; a mom, doctor and one of the best writers the world has come to know.
I am proud of you, proud of the woman you’ve come to be.
Oh how glad I am to see that your basic message remains the same. One of happiness, love, abundance, spirituality, and consciousness or as one would say, mindfulness.

How is home? And mini me? I know she is the prettiest in town; she takes after you so well.

Comment est Paris? There should be a thousand pictures on the net by now, haha. Je suis sûr que les parisiens sont adorables et gentils. How about family? Everyone is doing great, huh? Do send my regards to them.
Let me take a guess, you’ve written your first book already or should I say books. Regarding tech? Love? Values?… I’m sure there is so much you would love to tell me but know quite well I’m thrilled to see you achieving the goals we have. You’ve always been the strongest woman I know.

I have so much to tell you too and I cannot wait for you to hear all about it. I should have written this letter earlier but I really haven’t had time to myself ever since I resumed school. We know how medical school can be. I barely finished exams a week ago and I was told I’d be resuming for another course soon. Grateful my classmates and I were able to plead for a break just before we started and our request, thankfully was granted. Now I’m hearing news of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) going on a warning strike. Can it ever get better in this country? I really hope it did.
Honnêtement, j’ai hâte de finir l’école et de quitter cet endroit. I envy you, hmm, you’ve finally gotten all we’ve dreamed of… I really hope it turned out well.

Now here’s the thing, a few months back, I took interest in writing. Although I can not say I am perfect at it yet, but yunno, I enjoy it and I’m giving it my all.
You remember the first article we wrote? Omo! That was a thriller for us and every now and then, I go back and I’m happy at what we both did.

Guess what! More recently, I've started having this urge to write tech-related articles and I cannot wait to tell you all about it.
Baby Girl, one thing I can say we both have is the love that surrounds us. We really do have people rooting for us. We are grateful for such love.

Ce n’est que le début. There are still so many memories I would love us to go down with.
Do open the rest of our letters.